Quickly establish trusted business relationships
If your company provides financial services to businesses, you’ll need to optimize your Know Your Business (KYB) processes to efficiently onboard new customers, without exposing your company to fraudulent actors and their illicit activities. Our digital business verification solution is well-equipped to manage a modern KYB process. Combining KYB and KYC due diligence, our tools help verify businesses by applying multiple layers of risk detection to fully understand if the business or the owner is engaged in suspicious activity. KYC verification of a company’s beneficial owner while undergoing a KYB check can be an automated process for a holistic perspective of risk.
Our solution for KYB provides the actionable intelligence you need to streamline onboarding workflows for legitimate businesses, while dynamically escalating higher-risk customers with enhanced layers of authentication for additional assurance. Receive verification results data in real-time, including any risk conditions detected and associated with the business and ownership.
Why choose IDology

Utilize staged KYB
Gather insights on a business and its ownership at each stage in the KYB process with additional scrutiny applied based on results to balance customer experience with due diligence.

Automate business verification
Assess the business’s reputation, including tenured age, standing with Secretary of State, recent bankruptcy filings and more.

Get Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) identification
Establish the Ultimate Beneficial Owner’s (UBO) connection to the business and verify their identity using our advanced KYC capabilities.

Access continuous PEPs and Sanctions Screening
Leverage 450+ sanctions and politically exposed persons (PEPs) lists to single out high-risk individuals and apply an array of algorithms to reduce false positives.

eBook: Know Your Business
While it’s mandated that financial institutions comply with Know Your Business (KYB) regulations, every B2B company in every industry is a potential target for fraud, money laundering and other crimes.
To avoid inadvertently abetting fraudsters and to stay compliant with industry regulations, performing KYB due diligence is essential.
Download our Know Your Business (KYB): What you need to know guide to learn about KYB, the importance of UBOs, why a modern approach is essential and more, including a KYB process for you to follow.